Monster: Feledir



The Feledir is one of the more industrious races in Ozul. They seem to work all the time and are the cause of many of the massive structures that you see. They have a great facility for working together and this seems to be due to their management and living structure.

The daily life of a Feledir is pretty regimented. Their breaks are even regimented. The village works for a full day with three different shifts working at a given time. Each person in the village will work one shift with one being set aside for sleep and another being set aside for relaxation. However, even in their period of relaxation, they study and work on their personal projects. If something happens that offsets the shift, the Feledir happily adjusts the relaxation and sleeping shift to make sure that they are constantly working on their primary project.

The village is divided into several major groups: Organizers, Security, Transport, Workers, and Designers. The Organizers decide which project is to be worked on and what the labor breakdown is to be used. These are usually the Village Elders and they are also the ones who communicate with the outsiders to determine if they should take on the project or what projects are needed.

The Security team maintains the village and keeping intruders out. Every so often, the village is beset by raiders from other Feledir villages and there is a need to protect the current projects. In rare cases, the Security team is set out to steal ideas from the other Feledir villages. This usually happens in situations where they are falling behind schedule and the transport team has told them of other advances in some villages they visit.

The Transport team is used to deliver the projects to the ones who requested them. During their travels, they tend to also act as spies when visiting other Feledir villages. They are the eyes and ears for the village. When something unusual is found in the world, they report back their findings to the Organizers who, in turn, send out the Security teams to retrieve any new technology that may be of use to them.

The Workers and Designers are the backbone to the society. They are responsible for the building of the project. Sometimes, the Feledir may sub-contract out the work to other races. However, if it can be done within the confines of the village, they prefer that. The Designers are also the ones to come up with new ideas for potential future projects.


When dealing with the Feledir, you have the feeling of a nervous and agitated person who can’t seem to stop. They are constantly on the move and have a hard time relaxing. Their speech is even hurried.

Since they keep well within their caste system and information is only allowed within members of that caste, they don’t know of any secrets of information outside of their area of knowledge.


Most of the fighting falls under the responsibility of the Security caste. They are skilled in various forms of combat and will always be heavily armed. Their armor is durable, light and is as strong as standard plate mail.

If possible, the Feledir fights in large groups and tries to overwhelm their opponents by sheer numbers. They are only known to retreat if defeat is inevitable.

Doug Hoppes
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