Monster: Guardamole



The Guardamole is a small fish-like race that primarily lives in the Malachus Trench of the Sea of Death. This quiet community tends to go about their business and not bother anybody. To provide more income for their families, in cases where they do not want to be a farmer, they will hire themselves out to other races as servants and workers. They are generally efficient with the tasks at hand and never really question things outside of their jobs. There doesn’t seem to be any form of curiosity that is exhibited by the race which leads to a feeling that there really isn’t anything remarkable about them.

The cavern system of the Guardamole is designed such that hierarchy in the village determines how far the villager is away from the cavern entrance. Those at the lower levels will be near the entrance of the cave with the leaders safely in one of the inner sanctums. Inside of a cavern, there are many paths that lead to the inner sanctums and, unless you live there, they are confusing to navigate. In the community, each member is required to have a specific job that maintains the cavern system, besides their other activities in their lives.

The simple villagers go about their day working on the caverns and farming. The large farms are on the fields above and provide food and trade goods for some races.

Entertainment seems to be relatively simple where they enjoy playing of instruments, dancing, and talking. It’s common to see many small groups of Guardamoles sitting around talking about the days and things that are happening in the surrounding regions. Nothing is ever done about it but they do talk about it.


When dealing with this race, the first impression that people get is that they are a dour race. This is not really true but they are very reserved and don’t show their emotions to anyone else. In their culture, the showing of the emotions means that they don’t have control of what is happening and it bothers them.

With outsiders, they spend a lot of time listening to what the outsider is saying but not really show any reaction to it. They will also politely answer questions but not provide more information than is needed.


Now, an important point to make is that, just because they are reserved, doesn’t mean that they won’t fight back. They will fight on when their life is threatened but, more times than not, they will accept their fate if they cannot run away.

When they fight, they will use any instruments they have in the cavern or near the farms. However, their fighting skill is very rudimentary and anyone with some basic combat skills will have no problem defeating them.

Doug Hoppes
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